my thanks + the biggest squash in the world!

This upcoming week is pretty special, not only because it’s nearing a year since I’ve started LifeIsGoodWithFood, but also because I got a very cool surprise for you wonderful readers. Thank you for making this blog happen with all your love and support. Smile 


Another simple bowl of oat bran with a packet of NuNaturals Stevia and some carob chips plus marshmallows made up last night’s dinner. I wasn’t in the mood for a big meal as I’d only eaten at 4PM, plus this bowl of oat bran definitely came in handy for making up my Food Art Friday post.

Some of you might’ve noticed that the post actually wasn’t there on Friday but was listed as posted on Friday last night. Apparently there were some issues, mostly dealing with my willingness to eat oat bran on Friday night for dinner but they have been resolved now. Winking smile 


Remember this? It was in my Speechless Saturday post. Apparently aside from the NuNaturals basket that I won in The Great Fundraising Act auction, I also decided to buy the stevia deal. The liquid stevia was going for $26 for 6 bottles! Um, count me in, please. As were the stevia packets and the stevia spoonable powder. I seriously have a shopping problem and should really look to this movie as a reference to cure me.

In other news, (and I don’t mean look at the !! mess in my room) I just cut this from my aunt’s backyard garden…


It looks like a goose’s neck, doesn’t it? Hehe.

Sorry. I was playing around with my camera’s remote control. I love that thing.


It’s like half the size of me! And I’m 5’4.5”.


Rocking out to my iPod and squash. Ohhh yeah, I’m so cool.


Hugee squash. Can’t wait to eat it, puahaha.

Once again, thank you for reading about my not-so-interesting-and-at-times-even-boring life. I really appreciate all the comments that I’ve received from you guys. Seriously. And I’ll show you just how much soon.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!<3

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